FENG Yu-jia,ZHAO Quan-li,SUN Hong-xin,ZHANG Xue-na,ZHANG Min,LIU Wen-ju
Aiming to investigate the status of soil heavy metal pollution in vegetable fields and the safety of vegetables in North China,and based on the research papers published from 2005 to 2016 of heavy metals concentrations in soil-vegetable in North China,the present study was carried out to explore the soil-vegetable contamination and heavy metal content in vegetables and soils from vegetable fields around North China.Consequently,heavy metal contamination of soils and health risk caused by intaking vegetables were assessed with the Nemerow integrated pollution index method and target hazard quotient.The results showed that the mean concentrations of heavy metals in soil were as follow:Hg 0.212 mg/kg,Zn 91.782 mg/kg,Cu 27.450 mg/kg,Cd 0.514 mg/kg,Cr 69.155 mg/kg,As 9.690 mg/kg,Pb 25.967 mg/kg and Ni 28.786 mg/kg,which were lower than the safety limitation described in farmland environmental quality evaluation standards for edible agricultural products (HJ/T 332—2006).However, heavy metals levels in some soil samples exceeded the safety limitation,accounting for 0.19% (Hg),0.64% (Zn),0.95% (Cu),6.91%(Cd),1.35% (Cr),0.35% (As),1.10% (Pb),and 0.82% Ni),respectively.Moreover,the Cd mean value in vegetable soils from sewage irrigation area was 2.204 mg/kg,which exceeded 2 times of Cd safety limitation in the national standard and the Nemerow Pollution Index reached up to 2.665.It indicated that waste-water irrigated farmlands have been contaminated by Cd severely,whereas the Nemerow Pollution Index was only 0.407 in non-sewage irrigation